Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Easy and Classy... Not me, the Lamb

My Uncle called me the other day asking if I wanted some lamb he had at the house. Of course I said yes, even though I had no idea what to do with it. But my Dad has taught me the cooking power of Orange Juice so, this is what I did

I cut the lamb into individual pieces and poked some holes in the meat with a fork
Put the lamb in tupperware and put enough orange juice in to cover the lamb
Added two stems of fresh Rosemary (thank you G), fresh black pepper, a pinch of salt (why not?) and some garlic
I marinated it for an hour in the fridge, then the magic started!
To cook the lamb you need to put the stove on med heat, maybe a little lower and use some kind of oil, I like to use sunflower.
When the oil is hot and slightly smoking on the sides, place the lamb in the pan and cook on each side for three and a half minutes. Please use caution when flipping the lamb, oil likes to pop and it's looking for your arm!

To make a sauce, I took the marinade and placed it in a new pan on high heat and kept stirring until the marinade was thick enough to pour on top of the lamb. This process will boil out the water, so you want it to bubble. It is also important to keep stirring so that the orange sauce doesn't burn.

Try it out, it was very easy and so good

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